More and more people are deciding not to have children, and are succeeding at doing so. I guess it's not surprising when the media has put a negative connotation on being a parent. Sure, parenting is a daunting task, however by truly understanding the purposes of parenting, one can see why it is one of the most rewarding experiences a couple can embark on. I would like to focus on two purposes of parenting: to help children grow into successful contributors to society, and to develop in both parent in child a greater capacity to love.
As cliche as it may sound, children are the future. It is a simple fact. Thus, one one of the most important purposes of parenting is to help children grow into successful contributors to society. The future of this world depends on good parents. Many people want to change the world in a positive way, but feel unable to do so. The willingness to have children, and to raise them to be good people changes the world in a very direct way. If a child is loved, and cared for, as well as taught good principles, that child will be so much more prepared than the child who is neglected and left to his own devices. Parents must not shrink from their responsibility, and the childless should consider the good they can do by choosing to become a parent.
Being a parent also allows both parent and child develop a greater capacity to love. There is a special bond that can be created between a parent and child. It is a unique relationship that cannot be experienced in any other way. The feeling of responsibility that a parent has, and the feeling of dependency that a child has naturally creates bonds of love. This love does not only benefit those involved, but also gives both parent, and child to love others around them. A child with a loving relationship with parents will be better prepared to find love in a dating and marriage relationship.
Parenting can be a tremendous blessing to those who get involved. The future of our world depends on it. I firmly believe that an understanding of the purposes of parenting will help people realize the true blessing of being the parent of children.